
The Best Day or Our Uzbek Lives!

July 26 2012 was for us the best day so far. After both of us being sick the day before it was great to be feeling better. We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary and to top it off our HHE (household effects) arrived which meant that Joseph got to come home early! Joseph was sick on Monday night so on Tuesday he came home early from work. I was sick Tuesday night so he stayed home on Wednesday to help me with Saileey. It was nice to have him home during the week.

There were several things we did okay without but are glad to have. For example: our knife set, a pair of scissors, canned tomatoes, lemon juice, and Saileey's growing into clothes.

The biggest item was the piano, and the poor guys didn't have a ramp to get it off the truck or up our front stairs. One wheel is now smashed up inside but that's probably the worst extent of the damage it received. I have felt so ashamed of having such worn out furniture but seeing the gouges and scrapes everything accumulated I decided it's better not to have brand new nice things anyway. Even some of our books took a beating.

Our things came in two shipments; UAB (unaccompanied air baggage) and HHE mentioned above. Obviously the UAB got to us first, as designed so you are supposed to get all your essentials in those boxes. Unfortunately we ended up with our printer but no paper and my sewing machine without the foot pedal or my sewing box. It's great to feel complete again. 

Unfortunately they laid it down on it's back much to my displeasure. 
 They didn't drop it at least!
The rarely seen backside of our piano. I don't know who those men are. 

 This road is named Buyuk Ipak Yoli or the Great Silk Road. It's the closest main road to our house.
This is a good example of what the streets look like except for the main roads which are nicer. Actually this road has less potholes and crumbled pavement.

Chorsu Bazaar, you have tons of people selling all the same fruits and vegetables. How to choose who to buy from?
  Outside Chorsu Bazaar
 Saileey after her bath.
 This is what the water looked like before we turned the filter on. Yeah, we shower in that stuff.
 The whole 'branch' went out for dinner at a Georgian restaurant. Starting on the left; Joseph and Saileey, Chris Sorensen (he was an intern and is now back in the States), Julianne Webber, Jared Webber, Mike Chapple, Cameron Monti

 Saileey's bedroom. There is a window on the left and the door is on the right. Behind me is a dresser with a mirror.

 Our bedroom


 Our patch of lawn. That's it folks. 
 This is the front of our house. The pole right in the middle of the picture is for the car port.
On the left is the little lawn mower State lent us. It's electric. As you can tell it doesn't take us long to mow the whole yard :)


Up and Running!

About 2 minutes ago we got our back in the den and the wifi hooked up and working! I had the den and Saileey's rooms switched because of the wall paper and sunlight. The den now has brown and gold wallpaper and Saileey's room is cream with a dark pink floral pattern. 
 It's so hard to get a good picture of this little one. She is so wiggly and most of the pictures are blurred. Here are the not blurry ones. Saileey is crawling everywhere and is trying to pull herself up. Today I realized while she was playing that she is working on picking up two items in one hand and gets kind of frustrated when she can't do it. She is also working on picking things up with her thumb and pointer finger. 

 Okay so maybe you can't see it that well but the writing on this washing machine is in Russian! I had a friend's housekeeper come over to translate for me. The machine has been replaced with an English one that matches the dryer. I don't know why they had this one here in the first place.
 Saileey loved to watch the machine spin. She's a good helper.