So apparently it has been a while since we posted :(
I'll start with back in April/May when we went on our cruise. We had a lot of fun, Saileey was as good as a 17 month old child could be and we ate, ate, ate, and ate a little more. For example, my first breakfast on the ship was bacon, sausage, other kinds of bacon, and other kinds of sausage. I know I probably shaved 2 years of my life off with my engorgement of food, but I can live with that with what I've eaten for the past year (at that time).
It was Andrea's first trimester of this pregnancy and she did awesome!! (We're pregnant by the way)
We first flew into Rome, Italy; then departed to Sicily, Italy; Mykonos, Greece (our favorite place--awesome food and just picture perfect); Ephesus, Turkey; Crete, Greece (once again, awesome food, not as picturesque but it was during the Orthodox Easter which was fun); and back to Rome.
To be honest, I was under impressed with Rome. It might have been the rain, or the feeling like it is a large tourist trap...but I personally think it was because everything was dirty, like scuzzy disgustingly dirty (Tegucigalpa and Tijuana were cleaner to me). The food was okay, but after Greek food, I thought the little Romans couldn't keep up. Augustus was right, they were meant to govern, not to create culture (the job of the Greeks).
Our little family waiting in line--lesson learned with traveling with Saileey, don't bring more bags than I have arms.
Enjoying her view
Mom and Saileey waiting to embark
For some pictures, I really do wonder where Saileey is hiding????
So you can eat for free on the boat (and we did, a lot), but you had to pay for Johnny Rockets and it was freaking amazing and worth it!!!
This little girl of our loves to try on hats, jewelry, cloths, accessories and sunglasses. I think I need to find a higher paying job when she gets older.
This was Ephesus, a really amazing place in Turkey that had a lot of potential. Surprising, a young child is more interested in finding cats than listening to the guide and looking at really old stuff. I was less inclined to find the random cats.
Who's that pretty girl?? :)
Remember how I said she likes to try on clothes, this is after she got bored
Saileey also discovered ice cream on this trip and hasn't forgotten how awesome it is (constantly asks for it)
This is Mykonos, it was just a fun and interesting place to visit with great food. We took this picture because we have a painting that we bought with the same view.
Just the girls hanging out!
This is at the Colosseum in Rome, really impressive with some great views around it. Still don't know why I have to pay to enter someplace built with slave labor.
She quickly fell asleep
Rome has some really amazing art

Saileey and I sure had an adventure at the Vatican. Once again, looking at a bunch of old stuff is apparently boring for a little child and all she wants to do is touch things, doesn't matter how old. Our highlight was when Saileey had a stinky diaper that needed to be changed and I made my way to the restroom to change her. Of course there is no changing station (I'm use to that by now) and no room on the sink counter (and yes, I've de-evolved to the point that I would have changed her there if I possible). Instead I had to go into one of the stalls to change her on my lap, no big deal, I've done it before. However, this wonderful little bathroom didn't even have a toilet seat. If you've made it this far in the story I feel like you may have scanned over the words "a toilet seat." For those that don't know (apparently the Vatican), most toilets have two seats, a lid and an actual little seat so you don't fall in or have to sit where some guy had poor aim. This beauty had no seat to speak of. So trying to keep as much on the toilet as I could, changing a diaper, avoiding getting baby feces on me, or lose my wallet in the toilet I finished like a champ (put her pants back on the right way the FIRST time and everything). I stood up and looked down and saw one of her shoes in the toilet.

My brother and sister recommended us this place to stay in Rome (and it was good), but if you notice this picture of the comforter and the curtains there is something oddly familiar.
The start of the worst flight I've ever been on, ever. Saileey looks like she knows what is coming, but I was clueless. The flight attendants were incredibly rude. We had to wait for someone to show and were late leaving (that means you always have to wait on the tarmac too) and they turned off the lights about 3 minutes before the decent and they turned them on again (on a night flight).
This was our cruise, hope you enjoyed the pictures!!!!