
No place like a furnished apartment!

Well we are getting settled and finding free furniture to fill the space! Its been adventurous and I've learned that they have yard sales here up until it snows! The nasty roaches have been absent for about a week now so that's a good sign. Today was the first time it snowed here this winter.

I had to get rid of this spider by myself because Joseph was at work. It scared me when I saw it!

This is our view from the living room window. Not bad huh?

This is what our place looks like now. Cozy. Just needs curtains.

Joseph says that in this moment I was the perfect woman. Playing the piano in my heels and skirt and wearing an apron because I was also cooking. HA.

Our beautiful piano! I love having one again! The top is open in this picture.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures and good updates, Andrea. Thanks for letting me in! Hope you're doing well.
